Explore the Student Accommodations Office
Our staff meet with students, consult with faculty and provide guidance to University colleagues on ways to support students with disabilities throughout all stages of their academic journey.
A guide to student accommodations
Aliquam nec neque orci. Suspendisse ut ante viverra, cursus neque fermentum, pellentesque ante.
Explore the Student Accommodations Office
Our staff meet with students, consult with faculty and provide guidance to University colleagues on ways to support students with disabilities throughout all stages of their academic journey.
Get to know our teams
The Student Accommodation Office ensures students with disabilities have access to the University’s curriculum, programs, activities and services. Learn more about what we do.

Accessibility is planning for and accepting the differences in every person we accommodate. It is at the heart of all of our student experiences."
Janet Fukuda
Accessibility & Usability Manager

Kelly Hermann
Vice President, Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion and Section 504 Coordinator

Robert Becker
Director, Accommodations & Digital Accessibility

Kelly Hermann
Vice President, Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion and Section 504 Coordinator

Robert Becker
Director, Accommodations & Digital Accessibility
Contact us
We’re here to support you and help you achieve your educational goals. If you’d like to learn more about what we do or talk about managing your disability and potential accommodations, please reach out to a member of our team.

How to file a complaint
Please consult a member of the Accommodations team or the Section 504 Coordinator if an issue arises regarding your accommodation, including delivery of accommodations in a course, the classroom environment as related to your disability or accommodations and any other challenges or difficulties related to your disability.
Students who wish to file a formal ADA grievance must inform the Student Accommodations Office and complete the Initiation of Formal ADA Grievance Form. Students may also file a complaint directly with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education, regardless of whether they have filed an internal grievance. Find your local OCR office .